Assembly Info

This extension writes information into the output assembly.


This extension operates similarly to Assembly attributes. However, do not enable this extension if you already have assembly attributes set in your code, as it will result in conflicts.

Subscribed hooks

Compilation creation

This extension create additional syntax trees in compilation creation hook.


The available fields and their descriptions are listed below:

TitleThe title of the assembly.
VersionThe version number of the assembly.
File VersionThe file version of the assembly.
Informational VersionThe informational version of the assembly.
CompanyThe name of the company associated with the assembly.
CopyrightThe copyright information for the assembly.
DescriptionA brief description of the assembly's purpose or functionality.

Project config

Example json config in project file:

  "assemblyInfo": {
    "title": "MyProduct",
    "company": "MyCompany",
    "copyright": "Copyright © MyIncorp 2022",
    "version": "",
    "fileVersion": "",
    "informationalVersion": "",
    "description": ""